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Meet Marie......

As she works side by side with Spirit, bridging the two worlds together so you may find the answers to help or heal on your path to discovery of the world of the Spirit.

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Marie,  a natural medium, aware of her gifts and spirit since childhood. She took courses with various teachers in America and internationally, including classes at the famous Arthur Findlay College in England throughout the years.

In her quest for a deeper connection with Spirit, in August 2018 began formal

first-class professional training with Mavis Pittilla and Jean Else and has remained under their wings ever since. She has attended several mentorships and masterclasses in various venues in the USA. She has also attended their Advanced weeks in the UK where she has demonstrated under the tutelage

 in several Spiritualist Churches.


Marie is one of only a handful of mediums who have been authorized as a teacher, by the late wonderful UK medium, Mavis Pittilla the “Grand Dame” of British mediumship, who is known worldwide for her knowledge, skills, and experience and developing the “Whole Medium” not just the mechanics. Her training has been intense, and she is committed to teaching and developing other mediums to the same high standard.


Marie is a first-class medium and teacher in her own right and loves serving both worlds. She continues to see clients and students from all over the world. Marie believes that learning is lifelong and that no medium is fully developed.

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